"Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the LORD will personally go ahead of you. He will be with you; he will neither fail you nor abandon you." Deuteronomy 31:8
Wow, wow, wow!! Although I know this verse from the Bible very well, I often times forget how He really does go before me and makes a pathway for me (and our family.) On Thursday, January 16th I shared with you that we had received our state level approval and asked you all to join with us in praying that our national level approval would come quickly. I didn't mention that many families who already have four children at home are often times denied NOC (the national clearance) and have to appeal the decision, thus extending the time it would take to bring a child home to their forever family.
But, oh yeah, MY LORD goes before me and makes a way! On Tuesday, January 21st, I got a call from our adoption agency Ind*a program director informing me that we have NOC!! National clearance in five days...what?!? We were screaming, jumping up and down, laughing and crying. It is now getting very real that we will be bringing our sweet S home by summer time!!
There are still the court and passport hurdles to jump over, but we know He is in control and He will make all things happen in His perfect timing.
So, we have one final payment to the adoption agency and then travel expenses before we can go get her. I know you are probably tired of our fundraising efforts, but we are ALMOST there! In an effort to jump start the last of our adoption expenses, I am going to participate in my very own 4 By 40 half marathon adventure. I will be turning the big 4-0 (gasp!) in May and will be completing four half marathons between now and the big day. You can help us with adoption fundraising by sponsoring me per mile per race or just a flat donation for all four races. I stole this fabulous idea from my adoption momma friend, Jeanette. Donations can be made using the Paypal link on the blog page. Here are the races I will be participating in: Seguin Christian Academy Half Marathon (next weekend), Zooma Texas Half (4/12), Dallas Rock n Roll (3/23), and Moe's Better Half (3/2).
So many of you have been so incredibly gracious with your money, your prayers, your encouragement, and your support. We can't imagine taking this journey without you all! I cannot wait for S to see how loved she has been before she even knew she had a family.
Love and hugs,